Hello my lovelies and welcome to my very last blog post of the decade! How strange does that sound?
I’ve been feeling in a very reflective mood which you may have gathered if you read my previous blog post. If you haven’t, click here to take a look. I always love the end of one year and the start of another. It’s silly, really, because all that truly changes is the date on a calendar. All this talk of a ‘fresh start’, can, in theory, happen on any day and any hour that you so wish. But admittedly, I’m one of those people who see the New Year as a truly new start – a reset button on life, if you will.
This New Year’s Eve, I’m going to be in my happy place – at the studio painting faces. And after that, I fully intend to sink into a Lush-filled bath with a glass of something bubbly to pamper myself into oblivion. I haven’t been invited out anywhere this year, and I’m not so sure I have the desire to go anywhere either. My early 20’s self would be dying inside right now, but sometimes, you just really see the appeal in staying home in a good pair of PJs. I used to roll my eyes when people said that to me. Oh how times have changed!
Anyway, you all know just how much I love New Year’s Eve, so I never pass up the opportunity to play with some NYE-inspired makeup! This time, I wanted to try something a little different so I delved into my beautiful new Jeffree Star Blood Sugar palette, and my gorgeous Cookie House Party palette by Too Faced to create my NYE look.
I’m not so sure I’ll stick to this look tomorrow, but all I’m going to be doing is sitting around in my PJs and drinking champagne with my family. Wearing a crown, of course, seen as it’s New Year’s Eve! I’m a sucker for a neutral brown or rose-gold eye, so things may well change. But for today, I’ve loved being an OTT grunge princess whilst sashaying (lol, rolling after all that Christmas food!) around Tesco doing an emergency vegetable and teabags shop. Does anybody else do that, by the way? My body was absolutely screaming for fresh food – salad, veggies, water! Lush.
So, now that I’m suitably stocked up for the next few days and excited to welcome in 2020, I’d like to say a huge thank you to you. Yes, you! Thank you for reading my blog. Whether you’re brand new or you’ve been with me for years, it truly makes my heart happy that you cared to stop by at all.
I’d like to take this moment to thank you all for your continued support, love and kind words throughout the year. I’ve been lucky enough to make friends for life through the empowering work of makeup, and for that, I’m truly thankful.
Whether you’ve visited me, recommended me, left me a comment or even liked my images or social profiles – thank you. You have helped to contribute to a dream that I never thought was possible.
I’m wishing each and every one of you a very Happy New Year with nothing but love, happiness and success for 2020 and beyond.
See you soon!