
Halloween 2017: Something spooky is afoot at the studio

Something spooky was afoot in the studio last week as I gathered a few supplies and started to create new additions to my Halloween look book for 2017. I’ve been itching to start creating new characters for this Halloween and just couldn’t hold off any longer. With the temperamental weather bringing more rain than shine over the past week or so, I was really in the mood to get into some darker, moodier makeovers.

I’m not going to reveal too much in this post as I’d like to keep things a surprise until October, but I’ve been snapping away behind the scenes to show you a few little teasers. You might be able to guess what some of the new looks are if you’re  a bit of a detective!

Along with my favourite SFX makeup suppliers, I’ve found Hobbycraft to be an absolute dream when it comes to DIY looks. This year I wanted to push my boundaries and try to make a lot of characters from scratch. There’s something so satisfying about seeing the finished look after all your hard work and dedication to the character you’re creating, and I think it’s important to keep challenging myself as a makeup artist in order to learn and grow. Something I’ve also really been enjoying over the past couple of weeks is sketching. It’s been absolute years since I’ve sat down with my sketch pad and pens and got lost in my own little world. Not only is it therapeutic, but it also helps with developing my detail skills – something I love working on in order to improve my work for my clients for special occasion makeovers and spooky makeovers alike.

Don’t forget that you can register your interest now for Halloween 2017 and receive priority booking – simply send me an email or a message through my Facebook Business page stating your preferred date, time and look to be listed and contacted first once I release the appointments. Stay tuned for my gruesome Halloween characters coming soon!

© This post is copyright of Rachael Divers 2017.

Beauty. Fashion. Lifestyle.