Just recently I posted an image on my social media of my completely bare skin. Two weeks ago, I wouldn’t have dared to even think about doing that as my skin was in a terrible state once again with breakouts and redness. In this post, I want to share something that I’ve found has really helped my skin over the last couple of weeks and hopefully might help yours too if you’re struggling with acne or even just regular breakouts.
A couple of weeks ago I decided enough was enough when it came to my skin and decided to visit my doctor to ask for a referral. After practically begging my doctor to refer me to a dermatologist after struggling with acne since 2013, he firmly refused and sent me away to persevere for two more weeks with a hydrocortisone cream. He insisted that I had been mistreated for years and that my skin wasn’t suffering from acne, but in fact contact dermatitis. He completely ignored the fact that my skin wasn’t itchy, inflamed or flakey. Nor was it swollen, blistered or cracked – the classic symptoms of contact dermatitis. Instead, my skin was covered in pustules, papules and painful cystic acne. I woke up daily with around four to seven yellow headed spots (pustules) and had painful spots all over my jawline and the back of my neck. I left my surgery furious and heartbroken in equal measures. As somebody who has worked in the beauty industry for years and studied skin intensively, I knew his diagnosis was completely off the mark but no matter how much I argued, he refused to help me.
After that unsuccessful trip, I decided to turn to homeopathic remedies. After years of trying antibiotics, topical creams, face masks, skincare systems and even changing my diet, without the help of a dermatologist, I figured my next best course of action was to try a natural remedy.
How I’m keeping my acne under control with Thuja: Before and After | My skin at its worst
I’d heard about Nelsons Thuja tablets in the past and had seen them work absolute magic on a wart my mum had on one of her fingers that seemed to appear almost every night. Each day, she took the Thuja tablets and in the space of a couple of weeks, the wart was completely gone. That was several years ago. It’s never returned since.
Traditionally, Thuja is used for respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, cold sores and bacterial skin infections (just like acne!) Thuja is a tree, but it’s the leaves and leaf oil that are used as medicine.
I grabbed a tube of Thuja tablets from my local Holland and Barrett and followed the instructions – ‘Press base twice to release 2 pillules into cap. Unscrew cap. Place pillules directly into mouth without touching them. Pillules to be sucked or chewed and to be taken between meals. Adults and children: 2 pillules every 2 hours for the first 6 doses, then 4 times daily for up to 5 days or until symptoms improve.’
The pillules are tiny and sugary, and quite honestly taste like a sweet or a sweetex tablet but not quite so strong. They’re so easy to take and not at all unpleasant at all.
After that first day, I went to bed hoping and praying that the tablets would work for me. The next day I woke up to find my skin didn’t look quite so inflamed and some of the spots seemed to have reduced in size. I continued feeling hopeful. Two weeks on and my skin hasn’t looked as clear in absolute years. I’m still terrified that it might revert back to how it was and I’m still getting the occasional spot, but what a difference! I absolutely hope that it continues to improve daily and I’m going to keep up taking the Thuja tablets for a little while longer as they really do seem to have made a massive difference to me.
How I’m keeping my acne under control with Thuja: Before and After | My skin at the moment. Completely barefaced.
If you’re struggling with acne and can’t seem to find any respite, I’d seriously recommend giving the Thuja tablets a try. They’re £6.25 for a tube of the 30c Thuja pillules so they’re well worth exploring as an option. Please do ensure that you are safe to take these tablets and if you are at all unsure, please consult your doctor first.
© This post is copyright of Rachael Divers 2016.