Month two on Accutane was, dare I say it…plain sailing. I didn’t experience any side effects except for dry lips which I can absolutely cope with by using my favourite Blistex relief cream.
As you might know if you read my blog or watch my YouTube vlogs, my month one blood tests came back a little disappointing and showed that my GGT (liver function) results had risen since being on the drug. This meant that I had to stay at 40mg per day instead of upping a dose. My results for month 2 were even higher which meant that I still couldn’t go up another dose this time. I asked the nurse what the results meant and she told me that GGT is usually high in people that drink a lot of alcohol – something I hardly drink at all now. I’m all for that coffee hit! Because of this, she said it may be the drug causing the elevated results and not to worry as the levels will drop again once I stop taking the medication.
Although I came away from the hospital a little disappointed at having to stay on a lower dosage, I’d much rather be safe and not put a massive strain on my body.
My Accutane Journey | Month 2: More disappointing blood test results and slow progress
I’ve found that my skin is still breaking out from time to time, and some days it looks terrible all over again and I worry that the medication won’t work. But some days, it looks so much better and I feel confident enough to pop out in just a tinted moisturiser which is a big improvement for me from where I was. I even appeared on my YouTube channel makeup free which I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing just a few weeks ago!
The most amazing thing about Accutane at the moment is the complete lack of oil on my skin which means that my makeup stays put all day long. After years of battling with my skin and having to re-touch every hour, it’s an absolute dream. Just last week I was working on set where we were filming for a TV show and it was one of the hottest days of the year. I was terrified my makeup would look an oily mess by the time I got to the bathroom to check my makeup in the mirror, but it hadn’t budged one bit!
My Accutane Journey | Month 2: More disappointing blood test results and slow progress
Yesterday I was away filming again and once I got home, my makeup was still perfectly intact. Amazing to say I’d applied it 17 hours beforehand, done 12 hours of filming and had zero retouches throughout the day.
© This post is copyright of Rachael Divers 2017.