
American Horror Story Hotel Lady Gaga makeup look

AHS Hotel Lady GaGa

American Horror Story Hotel Lady Gaga makeup look

Lady Gaga has always been one of my favourite artists, I remember when she first appeared in the mainstream while I was in university and I just couldn’t get enough. Seeing her in concert in London only fuelled the fire after such an amazing, theatrical performance, so you can imagine how excited I was to hear that she would be starring in one of my favourite ever TV shows – American Horror Story!

If you haven’t ever watched the series before, you should seriously go check it out because it’s absolutely amazing! Season four sees us checking into the Hotel which supposedly has the most disturbing scene to come from AHS yet – just the kind of news a girl who loves to dabble in the spookier side of life loves to hear!

Creating the look at my makeup table

Creating the look at my makeup table. Starbucks? Check! Fake blood? Check!

So, with the launch of AHS over in the USA this coming Wednesday and in the UK on the 20th (I know right, America gets all the good stuff first!) I was inspired to offer up my take on the fabulous Lady Gaga’s makeup on some of the images released for the show. After plenty of blocking out brows, sculpting and fake blood, my look was finished! I’ve included the original copy that I used for my inspiration and the season four trailer below in case you fancy a look. I hope you like my American Horror Story Hotel Lady Gaga makeup look!

GAGA collage

© This post is copyright of Rachael Divers 2015.

Beauty. Fashion. Lifestyle.